The Case for LMA™

As a boss, have you ever felt the need to hold someone accountable? If you’re like most bosses, the answer is likely: “Yes, all the time!” Reflect on this for a moment. Wouldn’t your role as a boss be more enjoyable if your people held themselves and each other accountable? The fact is accountability is something people accept – willingly. Your role as a boss is to create the right environment for them to do just that. Consider this the case for LMA™.

What is LMA™?

Think of LMA as a formula: Leadership + Management = Accountability.  The boss who provides their team with 5 Leadership practices and 5 Management practices creates the environment where the byproduct is Accountability.

It’s that simple – but it’s not easy. Great bosses are masters at providing LMA. They know how to get the best from their people by keeping them energized and engaged.

The “Great Discontent”

For years, the Gallup organization has been conducting an annual survey of U.S. employee engagement. And each year, the results have remained pretty much the same. Gallup’s most recent poll reveals that only 36% of employees are engaged at their jobs. Worse, 50% are disengaged and 15% are actively disengaged! The COVID-19 outbreak has been a huge wake-up call for employers who are wondering where all their employees went.

Be careful! The employees who are still working are also looking. Another recent poll reveals that 48% of working employees are currently job searching. Searching for what? They’re searching for an environment where they feel heard, have more responsibility, and work with a boss who genuinely cares about them.

Using the LMA Checklist

As a boss, begin with simple EOS® Tools like the LMA checklist. The checklist helps you assess how well you provide your team with 5 Leadership and 5 Management practices. It also helps you determine if being a boss is really the right role for you. Want to get better? Consider attending a How to Be a Great Boss workshop.

Having great bosses at every level of an organization is a huge competitive advantage. Countless studies have shown that retaining engaged employees creates a better workplace, sustained growth, and higher profits.

Remember the simple formula: Leadership + Management = Accountability.

Get started with one of our EOS Implementers™ to learn how to effectively use LMA™ in your business. Our implementers will consult with your leadership team and help them to utilize LMA to be better managers, improve your business, and ultimately help you get what you want out of your business.


download the how to be a great boss toolkit

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